Due to the current high temperature and the fact that the Victory Hall has no air conditioning and air flow, we have decided that the meeting tonight will deal with only urgent/time sensitive matters and will be a maximum of 1 hour in length. The only matters to be dealt with tonight will be the co-option of parish councillors, 1 planning application, signing of cheques and completion of bank mandate form. If there was something you intended to raise with the Parish Council this evening, please do so by contacting the clerk, Jan, via email: jan2@blueyonder.co.uk
Wednesday 7th December, 7.15pm, Victory Hall, Greyhound Lane.
Regarding Local Plan Consultation.
The Publication Plan (also known as pre-submission) stage of the Local Plan review sets out the council’s final proposed plan for public consultation. It contains sites for housing, employment and the Gypsy and Traveller community, and includes new policies to determine planning applications. This is a different type of consultation, set out in planning regulations (Regulation 19)
, which asks for views on the legal soundness of the Plan. This is your chance to tell the Council whether you think the Plan has been properly prepared, and whether the contents of the plan are sound and legally compliant.
Public consultation on the Publication Plan will run for 6 weeks from Friday 11 November until 12 noon on Friday 23 December 2022. As this is a formal stage of consultation, comments must be made in writing and can only be accepted during the consultation period. Please note that this means your comments are not confidential and will be in the public domain.
You can see all the documents that form this stage by clicking here
Local Plan in-person events
Haling Dene Centre, Penkridge – Monday 14 November
Coven Memorial Hall, Coven – Wednesday 16 November
Essington Community Centre, Essington – Thursday 24 November
Members Room, Council Offices, Codsall – Monday 28 November
Wombourne Civic Centre, Wombourne – Wednesday 7 December
Please note that the in person events above will be 15 minutes slots by appointment only. The first slot will be 10.30am with the final slot 7.00pm. For residents wishing to book a slot they should call us on 01902 696423.
If you see a fire in the countryside don’t attempt to tackle it, call 999 and ask for the fire service immediately. Pass as much information about the location as possible, use the app What 3 Words if you have it to pinpoint the exact spot.
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