Welcome to the Lower Penn Parish Council Website


Meeting Dates

Find out the date of next Parish Council meeting.


News and notices about all things Lower Penn.



List of Councillors and Register of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

Victory Hall

Victory Hall

Victory Hall (Lower Penn Village Hall) is available to hire.

Climate Action Group

Our action group to tackle climate change.



Parish Council Meeting Agendas and Minutes.

Lower Penn Parish Council owns 3 parcels of land as follows:

The Roughs. Dimmingsdale – approx. 1/4 acre which was gifted to the Parish Council from the Nock family at no charge in 1973. It is designated an environmental area.

The Village Green – approx. 1/8 acre – designated a village green.

The Castlecroft Playing Field – approx. 2 acres. Gifted from Ansells Brewery at no charge in about 1949 – designated a playing field for leisure use.

Lower Penn is a village situated in South Staffordshire and approximately 1.5 miles from the large village of Wombourne. 824 residents were recorded as living in the Parish according to the 2019 Census.

A rural village, with a history of farming being the principle land use, Lower Penn has historically supported a small church, St. Anne’s. The Greyhound public house, and the The Victory Hall.

Find out more about Lower Penn >

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